13 Effective Jawline Exercises To Try- HealthifyMe


Jawline exercises offer a promising solution to reduce the double chin and facial fat. Incorporating exercises like neck curl-ups, along with a wholesome diet and regular physical activity, can help improve and define the jaw muscles. As people age, the contours of the face naturally evolve. Excess fat in the neck and jaw region, coupled with muscle atrophy, can lead to a less prominent jawline. Although genetics and ageing are beyond control, there are actionable steps, such as exercises, to enhance the appearance of the jawline. Engaging in jaw muscle exercises not only strengthens them but also imparts a more distinct definition to the jawline.

What is Jawline?

The jawline, a pivotal element of facial aesthetics, comprises the bone structure located along the lower edge of the skull. To simplify, it extends from the chin to the area just below the ear. When viewed head-on, an alluring jawline is a seamless, well-defined contour stretching from the chin to the mandibular angle found beneath the ear. While some people have a naturally striking jawline, others can build it through a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet, and the right jawline exercises.

Jawlines come in various forms, each determined by the angle formed between the mandible (lower jaw) and maxilla (upper jaw) bones. These jawline types have six classifications:

  • D-Shaped
  • Square
  • Diamond
  • Horseshoe
  • Angular
  • Heart

A sharp and powerful jawline is characterised by the pronounced bone angle just beneath the ear, contributing to a visually striking facial profile. Engaging in jawline exercises is a straightforward approach to achieving the desired facial contour. These exercises target muscles across the face and neck, effectively diminishing signs of ageing and sagging. However, it’s vital to emphasise that factors like maintaining proper posture, consistent effort, stress management, and a nutritious diet all play integral roles. 


The jawline, a defining feature of facial aesthetics, runs along the lower edge of the skull, extending from the chin to just beneath the ear. An attractive jawline appears as a smooth, well-defined contour from the chin to the mandibular angle. While some are naturally gifted with this feature, others can attain it through a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet, and specific jawline exercises. Jawlines exhibit diversity based on the angle between the mandible and maxilla, with six classifications: D-shaped, Square, Diamond, Horseshoe, Angular, and Heart. Achieving a sharp jawline involves targeted exercises that strengthen facial and neck muscles, reducing signs of ageing. Proper posture, consistency, stress management, and nutrition also play essential roles in the transformation.

Best Jawline Exercises 

Given below are the best jawline exercises that can help you get the perfect jawline.

Vowel Sounds

The muscles surrounding the mouth and on both sides of the lips are targeted by these actions.

  • Open the mouth wide and pronounce “O,” then “E.”
  • Exaggerate those sounds and movements while not showing or touching the teeth.
  • Complete a total of 3 sets of 15 in each set. 

Neck Curl Up

Consider this a belly curl for the neck. Perform it while lying on the back with the tongue pressed on the mouth roof. It activates the muscles in the front of the neck.

  • Bring your chin to your chest and then lift your head about 2 inches off the ground. Don’t elevate your stomach or stick your chin out.
  • Begin with three sets of ten repetitions and progressively increase to more.
  • Take your time because these muscles are frequently weak and can cause neck discomfort if overworked.

Collar Bone backup

Perform it while sitting, standing, or resting on your back.

  • Bring your head back several inches, keeping the head level with the floor, to feel the muscles on either side of the throat tense and relax.
  • Begin with three sets of ten repetitions, then advance to holding the posture for more than 30 seconds.
  • Maintain a level head and keep your ears over your shoulders.


This exercise helps to raise the chin and face muscles.

  • Push your bottom jaw out and elevate your lower lip while keeping your mouth closed.
  • A stretch should form right under the chin and along the jawline.
  • Hold the pose for around 10-15 seconds before relaxing.
  • Complete a total of 3 sets of 15 in each set.

Tongue Twister

This workout focuses on the muscles beneath the chin.

  • Place your tongue directly below your teeth on the roof of your mouth.
  • To generate strain, press your tongue to shut the roof of your mouth completely.
  • Begin by humming and vibrating your hands. It will cause the muscles to contract.
  • Complete a total of 3 sets of 15 in each set.
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Side Kisses 

This jaw workout works the muscles surrounding your mouth and cheeks by making a kissing stance with your lips.

  • Join your lips together and draw them out. 
  • Then, in the right corner of your mouth, draw your lips as far upward as possible.
  • Maintain this position for at least three seconds before briefly relaxing the corners of your mouth.
  • Repeat the drill on the opposite side.
  • Relax your lips and repeat this jaw workout 30 to 60 times.

Moon Kissing

It is one of the best jawline workouts since it works the muscles around the jawline and mouth. 

  • Extend your neck and look up.
  • Stretch your bottom lip as far as you can and pucker your lips.
  • It should feel like your throat and jaws are getting pulled.
  • Stop for five minutes after executing the workout 30 times before continuing.

Clenches and Releases

One can perform this jaw exercise casually while watching your favourite show. When you clench and relax, you may sense discomfort and a mild heat.

  • Grind your teeth, which is the same as clenching your jaw for at least ten seconds before releasing.
  • Begin with 2-3 sets of ten to fifteen repetitions.
  • As you progress, you can gradually raise the length of time you clench and the total number of repetitions.

Chin Sags

This jaw workout targets the muscles beneath the chin and along the jawline.

  • Place one elbow on a hard surface and one fist beneath your chin.
  • Try to open your mouth while pressing your wrist against the resistance.
  • Wait a few seconds before releasing.
  • Perform three sets of ten repetitions.

Chin Slide

This jaw workout targets the muscles below the chin and all along the jawline. 

  • Put one elbow on the ground and one fist beneath your chin.
  • Try to open your mouth while pressing against the resistance with your wrist.
  • Take a few seconds before releasing 
  • Get through three sets of ten reps each.

Lip Presses

This exercise activates all of the muscles surrounding your mouth and jaw:

  • Begin by squeezing your lips and mouth edges together, then compress your upper and lower jaws together.
  • While executing this exercise, you should strain every muscle in your mouth and jaw.
  • Allow the strain to subside after ten seconds.
  • To tone your facial muscles, repeat this exercise ten times.

Repair the Jawbone

This exercise activates the muscles along the jawline:

  • Place your thumbs on the point of your chin, adjacent to each other, and your other fingers below each ear.
  • Drag your thumbs along the jawbone, stopping just below each ear and squeezing your chin into your thumbs to create resistance.
  • Repeat the same about ten times. 

Lower Jowl Lift

This jawline workout engages the following muscles:

  • Place your right hand on your collarbone and curl your bottom lip around your teeth.
  • Tilt your head back a few inches and use your facial muscles to pull the borders of your mouth back (while your bottom lip remains wrapped around your teeth).
  • Hold for a moment, then lower your head while keeping your eyes up.
  • Repeat the process on the opposite side.
  • Four sets of 10 repetitions (five on each side) are required.


Engage mouth and lip muscles with Vowel Sound exercises, emphasizing “O” and “E” sounds in three sets of 15 reps. Activate front neck muscles with the Neck Curl Up in sets of ten reps. Stretch throat muscles with Collar Bone backup, progressing from ten reps to a 30-second hold. Target chin and facial muscles with the Chinup exercise. Engage muscles beneath the chin with the Tongue Twister using humming. Strengthen cheek and mouth muscles with Side Kisses and jawline with Moon Kissing. Gradually increase Clenches and Releases. Focus on chin and jawline with Chin Sags and Chin Slide. Activate all mouth and jaw muscles with Lip Presses. Repair the Jawbone with thumb pressure along the jawline, and strengthen specific muscles with four sets of 10 reps of Lower Jowl Lift.

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Potential Risks of Jawline Exercises

Jawline exercises, when done correctly and in moderation, are generally safe and can help strengthen facial muscles and improve the jawline appearance. However, like any form of exercise, there are potential side effects. Such as:

  • Muscle Strain: Overexertion or improper technique during jawline exercises can lead to muscle strain or fatigue, which may result in discomfort or pain in the jaw, face, or neck.
  • TMJ Issues: Excessive or forceful jaw movements during exercises can worsen temporomandibular joint (TMJ) issues, causing pain, clicking, or discomfort in the jaw joint.
  • Teeth Grinding: Some jawline exercises may encourage teeth grinding, which can damage teeth and contribute to TMJ problems.
  • Facial Asymmetry: If exercises are not performed evenly on both sides of the face, there is a risk of developing facial asymmetry. In some cases, jawline exercise results may appear uneven due to variations in muscle development on either side of the face.
  • Risk of Dental Issues: Excessive force or improper exercise technique can lead to dental problems, such as tooth misalignment or damage.

Note: To minimise these risks, proper form and moderation are essential in jawline exercise routines.


Jawline exercises, while generally safe when performed correctly and in moderation, are not without potential risks. Muscle strain can occur from overexertion or improper technique, leading to discomfort in the jaw, face, or neck. Excessive or forceful jaw movements during exercises may worsen temporomandibular joint (TMJ) issues, causing pain or discomfort in the jaw joint. Some exercises promote teeth grinding, which can damage teeth and contribute to TMJ problems. Furthermore, a lack of symmetry in exercise performance can lead to facial asymmetry, while excessive force or improper techniques can result in dental issues such as tooth misalignment or damage. 

HealthifyMe Suggestion

Massage your face on a regular basis, in addition to the workouts. A good massage will improve your blood circulation and tone your face. Start massaging from the bottom to the top to help prevent sagging. Water will also help to improve circulation in the area around your face. Water also flushes out any toxins from your body. High salt consumption stimulates water retention in the skin, making it look fuller and bloated. Limit your salt consumption by eating less junk food. Increase your consumption of veggies, fruits, and whole grains.


Achieving a well-defined jawline requires a dedicated investment of time and patience. Engage in jawline-focused workouts for a minimum of 30 minutes six days a week to see noticeable results. One should start with a few minutes per day and gradually increase the duration. It is essential to avoid overexertion during these exercises, as excessive strain may lead to potential harm to the bone or cartilage supporting the jaw joints.

In addition to targeted jawline exercises, employ a healthy lifestyle. It includes prioritising adequate sleep, maintaining proper hydration, following a well-rounded diet, and engaging in regular physical activity. Such holistic practices will contribute significantly to the quest for the ideal jawline.

Disclaimer: The purpose of this article is just to disperse knowledge and raise awareness. It does not intend to replace medical advice from professionals. For further information, please contact our certified nutritionists Here.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What are jawline exercises, and what is their purpose?

A: Jawline exercises are specific movements and techniques designed to target and strengthen the muscles in the jaw and lower face region. Their primary purpose is to enhance the definition and appearance of the jawline. These exercises help improve muscle tone, reduce facial fat, and promote a more sculpted and youthful jawline.

Q: Can jawline exercises help define and sculpt the jawline?

A: Yes, jawline exercises can be effective in defining and sculpting the jawline. By targeting the muscles in the jaw and lower face, these exercises can help enhance the contours of the jawline, providing a more prominent and well-defined appearance.

Q: How frequently should jawline exercises be performed for noticeable results?

Q: Are there different types of jawline exercises for various areas of the face?

A: Yes, various types of jawline exercises target different areas of the face. These exercises may focus on the muscles surrounding the mouth, cheeks, chin, and neck. By incorporating a variety of exercises, one can effectively work on different facial muscle groups for a more comprehensive jawline workout.

Q: Do jawline exercises require any special equipment or tools?

A: You can perform jawline exercises without the need for special equipment or tools. Most exercises can be done using only the muscles of the face and neck. However, some exercises may incorporate resistance techniques, such as using the hands or fingers to provide gentle pressure.

Q: Can jawline exercises help reduce double chin or sagging skin?

A: Yes, jawline exercises can contribute to reducing a double chin and addressing sagging skin in the lower face area. These exercises help strengthen and tone the muscles, which can lead to improved skin elasticity and a firmer appearance along the jawline.

Q: Are there specific exercises targeting different facial muscles for a defined jawline?

A: Yes, there are specific exercises that target different facial muscles to achieve a defined jawline. Exercises like Vowel Sounds, Neck Curl Up, Collar Bone backup, Chinup, and Tongue Twister work on various muscle groups, contributing to a more sculpted jawline.

Q: What is the impact of jawline exercises on facial symmetry and aesthetics?

A: Jawline exercises, when performed evenly on both sides of the face, can contribute to improved facial symmetry. These exercises help balance muscle development, reducing the risk of facial asymmetry and enhancing overall facial aesthetics.

Q: Can jawline exercises be combined with facial massage techniques for better results?

A: Yes, combining jawline exercises with facial massage techniques can enhance results. Facial massages can help improve blood circulation, reduce tension in facial muscles, and promote relaxation. When paired with jawline exercises, this combination can contribute to a more rejuvenated appearance.

Q: How long does it typically take to see visible changes in the jawline with regular exercises?

A: The time it takes to see visible changes in the jawline with regular exercises can vary from person to person. Some individuals may notice improvements within a few weeks, while others may take longer. Consistency, proper technique, and individual factors all play a role in determining the timeline for results.

Q: Are there potential risks or side effects associated with jawline exercises?

A: Jawline exercises, when done correctly and in moderation, are generally safe. However, there are potential risks, such as muscle strain, if exercises are performed with excessive force or improper technique. Overexertion can lead to discomfort or pain in the jaw, face, or neck. It’s essential to follow proper form and avoid excessive strain.

Q: What is the recommended warm-up routine before starting jawline exercises?

A: Before starting jawline exercises, it’s advisable to perform a gentle warm-up for the facial muscles. It can include gentle facial massages, neck stretches, and circular motions with the jaw to prepare the muscles for exercise.

Q: Can jawline exercises improve overall facial muscle tone and firmness?

A: Yes, jawline exercises can contribute to improving overall facial muscle tone and firmness. These exercises target various facial muscles, promoting better muscle health and enhancing the overall appearance of the face.

Q: What role do diet and hydration play in enhancing the effects of jawline exercises?

A: Diet and hydration play essential roles in enhancing the effects of jawline exercises. A balanced diet rich in nutrients supports overall muscle health and recovery. Proper hydration is crucial to maintain skin elasticity and overall facial appearance.

Q: Are there any specific lifestyle habits that should be avoided to maintain a defined jawline?

A: To maintain a defined jawline, it’s essential to avoid habits that may contribute to facial muscle tension or sagging. These habits include excessive gum chewing, teeth clenching, and poor posture. Additionally, avoiding excessive alcohol consumption and tobacco use can also help preserve jawline aesthetics.

Research Sources

Effects of Jaw-Opening Exercises with/without Pain for Temporomandibular Disorders: A Pilot Randomised Controlled Trial

Facial attractiveness: Evolutionary-based research

Association of Facial Exercise With the Appearance of Aging

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