It’s Okay To Live At Your Own Pace


Slow down when you need to. Give yourself permission to ease into it.

Recognize that when you need to stop or slow down there’s nothing wrong with it.

Give yourself permission to start small. To take baby steps. To do things at your own pace. The small steps might not seem to make that big of a difference but they do.

Don’t rush things just because society tells you that. Eliminate any thought that there is an expectation that you need to do anything at any age. You do not have an age cutoff or deadline. Life can be fulfilling at both 16 and also 60. 25 and 45. Joy is timeless. You just need to learn how to make the most of where you are. You don’t have to be married or have kids by 25, to graduate college, have your dream job at 30…There are no rules in life. Just go at your own speed. There is no designated time for anything in your life.

Life is not a race. No one has taken your place. Where you are meant to be, you will be in time, no matter your age or stage of life.

You don’t have to take it all in at once. Take the present moment without worrying about the moments to come. Breathe deep and let this moment be enough. Let this be a place where you find peace.

It’s okay if it takes a while to get into the rhythm of things. Some things might take more time for you to process than other people. Some things are not quite ready, or you are not ready to go right away. Just be gentle and compassionate with yourself when it’s taking longer than you expected. Be patient. And trust the process.

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I know that this world will ask a lot of you, but remember this: This is your life. You have control over it, no one else has. You’re allowed to change your mind. To change your direction. To do things slower. This is your life. Make it count. Make your own validation. Your own path. Your own way of life.

Your direction is more important than your speed ❤

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