The Surprising Environmental And Health Benefits of Woodworking


Woodworking is a hobby that many people have enjoyed for years. It can be a wonderful way to add beauty and functionality to your home and spend time with your family.

However, did you know that woodworking can also improve your health and benefit the environment? Here are some surprising benefits.

It Reduces Stress

Everyone has their own way of relaxing. Some people drink tea and read a book, while others go for a run or meditate. However, woodworking has been known to be an effective way to reduce stress for women.

In fact, one experiment showed female college participants could feel more relaxed after touching wood for 90 seconds, whereas other materials like stainless steel increased stress.

Woodworking also allows you to express your creativity in a nonjudgmental environment. It is incredibly rewarding because it offers something physical to show for your hard work — and that sense of accomplishment can do wonders for reducing stress levels.

It’s Good For Your Mental Health

Woodworking is a great way to calm your mind and body. It improves your mental health by reducing anxiety and depression. While you may not think of woodworking as a particularly zen activity, there’s something incredibly therapeutic about creating something with your hands.

You also have time to focus on the present moment. When you let go of those other thoughts, you can truly feel like yourself again.

It Keeps You Moving

Another major perk of woodworking is that it keeps you active. Woodworking involves a lot of physical labor, but that doesn’t only mean you’ll be moving around while working on a project.

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Working with wood is an exercise in strength and endurance, which benefits your overall health. You need a firm grip on the piece of wood you’re working with while sawing or sanding simultaneously.

It may also require lifting heavy pieces of lumber onto a work table. Plus, you must keep your body steady using power tools, such as circular saws, which are motor-driven and ideal for cutting small diameters.

It Eliminates Waste That Goes To Landfills

Woodworking prevents waste from ending up in landfills. Wood is a natural material that is highly renewable, and all the pieces you use can go toward other projects. Therefore, every piece you purchase or make will return to the world as something new.

Plus, when you make something out of wood, you can use it for a long time. Wood is a durable material that can last decades when properly cared for.

It Can Be Recycled

Woodworking also allows you to recycle your materials. This can prevent forests from being cut down and keep the world a more sustainable place.

Working with wood allows you to make something out of nothing. If you have old wooden pallets or abandoned pieces of furniture, you can reuse them to build something new and useful, such as a butterfly box or craft center.

It’s not just about recycling, though — it’s about reusing materials in an aesthetically pleasing way. This helps the environment and creates beautiful things that will last for years.

It’s Biodegradable

Woodworking is also good for the environment because the material you’re using is biodegradable.

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That means that as it decays, it releases carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere, which helps plants grow. They absorb CO2 and release oxygen, which we need to breathe.

Making things out of wood helps plants and people.

Woodworking Is Good For You And The Planet

Woodworking may be an amazing opportunity to get your hands dirty and make something that lasts forever, but it’s more than just a hobby. It’s also a chance to improve your overall health while doing something good for the planet.

Author Bio

Jane is an environmental writer and the founder and editor-in-chief of where she covers sustainability and eco-friendly living.

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