Is Mango Good For Weight Loss? Debunking Common Misconceptions – Blog


The juicy and flavourful fruit mango is the summer love for many. Known as the king of fruits, this tropical fruit is not merely delicious but rich in essential vitamins and minerals. However, there’s a common misconception that consuming mangoes can hamper your weight loss journey, which has led many to eradicate mango from their diet.

The fear of gaining weight due to the sweetness of mangoes has been a critical reason people exclude mango from their weight loss diets. But what if we told you that mangoes could aid your weight loss journey? Yes, it can. The key lies in understanding how to consume them.

This article aims to break down the myths and misconceptions surrounding mango consumption and shed light on the potential of mangoes as a weight loss aid. So, read on and discover how to make the most of this summer fruit while staying true to your weight loss journey.

Nutritional Profile of Mangoes

As per the USDA, one hundred grams of mangoes contain the following nutrients:

  • Energy: 60kCal
  • Protein: 0.82g
  • Carbohydrates: 15g
  • Fat: 0.3
  • Fibre: 1.6g
  • Total Sugar: 13.7g
  • Calcium: 11mg
  • Selenium: 0.6µg
  • Vitamin C: 36.4mg
  • Vitamin A: 1080IU
  • Beta Carotene: 640µg
  • Vitamin E: 0.9mg
  • Vitamin K: 4.2µg

Research highlights the nutritional and phytochemical components of mango fruit. Mangoes contain carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids, fats, and organic acids. In addition, it has various micronutrients and phytochemicals.

Lysine, arginine, leucine, cysteine, valine, phenylalanine, and methionine are some of the essential amino acids in mangoes. Ripening increases the lipids in mangoes, especially omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Malic and citric acids, two of the most significant organic acids, give the fruit its acidic content. In addition, chlorophylls and carotenoids are two of the mango fruit’s most significant pigments. Mango is also rich in polyphenols that act as antioxidants to protect your body. 

Mangoes and Weight Loss

Eating mangoes in moderation can be a healthy addition to your weight loss diet. Mangoes can help lose weight due to their rich nutritional profile. While some experts may have varying opinions on the subject, research suggests that consuming mango can lead to weight loss and have many other health benefits.

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How do Mangoes Help you Lose Weight?


Mango flesh and peel contain phytochemicals called polyphenols. Polyphenols can decrease adipogenesis i.e. lower the amount of fat created in the body, which causes fat cells to shrink. In addition, research shows polyphenols increase fat burning, which leads to weight loss. 

Dietary Fibre and Water

Mangoes provide dietary fibre and contain about 83% water, which helps you feel fuller for longer and reduce appetite. As a result, mango consumption can reduce cravings and prevent overeating. Hence, it will help one stay within the daily calorie intake target. 

Low in Calories

Mangoes are a low-calorie fruit, with just 60 kcal in 100g of mangoes. Hence, substituting a serving of mangoes for your dessert or unhealthy snack can help you consume fewer calories.

Experts suggest limiting your mango intake to one cup per day. It will ensure you stay within your daily caloric requirements.


Despite the myth about mangoes and their negative impact on weight management, one can consume them as part of a healthy diet. The rich nutritional profile of mangoes can help you lose weight. However, it is vital to eat them in moderation. The high water content, fibre and low carbohydrates in mangoes ensure they do not hamper your weight loss process. Furthermore, the polyphenols in mangoes help burn fat, leading to weight loss.

Best Time to Include Mangoes in Your Diet for Weight Loss

Eating mangoes on an empty stomach or as part of your breakfast will help your body get the most nutrients from this delicious fruit. Hence, eating mangoes at these times is the best. The high water content of mangoes and their fibre content can help you feel full until your next meal. So, you can also eat them as a mid-morning snack.

Mangoes are naturally sweet. Hence, they curb your cravings for desserts. In addition, as an excellent source of carbs, mangoes are a great post-workout snack. However, it is vital to ensure that you eat them in moderation.

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Ways to Eat Mango for Weight Loss

You should avoid consuming mango shakes, juices, or packaged chutneys as these products may contain added sugars and can be high in calories. Instead, you should eat mangoes as whole fruit.

Besides the points mentioned above, it is vital to consider some healthy tips to help you enjoy your mangoes without worrying about hampering your weight loss journey. 

Here are some tips for consuming mangoes while maintaining a healthy weight:

  • It is best to consume mangoes in the form of slices or cubes. Doing so will help you maximise the fibre content of the fruit.
  • Mangoes are a filling addition to smoothies or a bowl of muesli for breakfast.
  • You can also make a fruit salad using mangoes and other seasonal fruits.
  • To make a homemade popsicle, puree some mangoes without adding sugar or sweetener, then freeze the liquid in moulds.
  • You can add slices of mangoes in a fat-free yoghurt to make healthy smoothies. 
  • Avoid eating mangoes in shakes or Aamras. It is because these foods contain added sugar. One must also avoid packaged mango beverages.


Enjoying mangoes in the right proportion and manner can reap weight loss benefits. Hence, it is vital to be watchful of the portion size. Always eat them in moderation, and try to consume your mangoes either empty stomach in the morning or as breakfast or a mid-morning snack. You can reap the many health benefits by enjoying mangoes as a whole fruit. 

Other Health Advantages of Mangoes

  1. Mangoes are a fantastic source of vitamin A, which protects the health of your skin and eyes.
  2. Mangoes include vitamin C, which helps boost immunity, facilitate the body’s iron absorption, and support the health of your bones and muscles.
  3. Mangoes’ fibre and enzyme content can help with constipation relief and digestion.
  4. Research suggests mangoes include antioxidants that can aid in reducing inflammation and preventing cell damage.
  5. Mangoes contain phytochemicals demonstrated in some studies to have anti-cancer potential.


Besides weight loss, mangoes also offer other advantages. Some advantages include improving eye health, strengthening bones and muscles, improving digestion, preventing cell damage and reducing inflammation. Furthermore, mangoes also offer anti-diabetic and anti-cancer benefits.

Risks of Overconsumption of Mangoes for Weight Loss

Consume no more than 250–300g of mangoes each day. It is because mangoes have a moderately high amount of natural sugars, which can cause weight gain when eaten excessively. Hence, eating in moderation can help you maintain a healthy weight and enjoy this seasonal fruit. Furthermore, consuming too many mangoes can result in diarrhoea owing to its high fibre content. 

Mango consumption in excess might result in weight gain. Moreover, it has a warming effect, which, when consumed in excess, can cause acne and pimples on the skin. As a result, people who have these issues should consume fewer mangoes. 


Mangoes are beneficial only when you eat them in a right way. Eating them in excess can lead to weight gain. In addition, it can also lead to diarrhoea. Also, the warming effect of mango can lead to causing acne and pimples if one consumes them in excess.

Mango Recipes for Weight Loss

Mango Smoothie Bowl

Servings: 1

Total time: 10 mins


  • Mango: 1 (medium)
  • Coconut milk: 1 cup
  • Almond milk: 1 cup
  • Banana: 1 (small)
  • Chia seeds: 1 tbsp
  • Almond flakes: 1 tbsp


  • Blend the mango and banana with almond and coconut milk. 
  • Pour it into a bowl. 
  • Top the thick consistency with almond flakes and chia seeds. 
  • Enjoy your healthy smoothie.

Green Mango Salad with Prawns

Servings: 1

Total time: 20 mins


  • Green Mango: 1
  • Boiled Prawns: 4-6
  • Lettuce: 3-4
  • Cucumber: 1
  • Tomato: 1
  • Salt: to taste
  • Red chilli powder: to taste 
  • Lemon: 2 tsp
  • Chia Seeds: 1 tbsp


  • Chop green mango, prawn, cucumber, and tomato into cubes. 
  • Combine the chopped ingredients, lettuce, salt, and red chilli powder, in a bowl. 
  • Gently toss chia seeds and lemon juice into the salad and serve. 

Coconut Mango Oatmeal

Servings: 1

Total time: 10 mins


  • Oatmeal: 125g
  • Oats milk: 1 cup (unsweetened)
  • Salt: to taste
  • Mango: 100g
  • Shredded coconut: 2 tbsp
  • Vanilla essence: 1 drop
  • Flaxseed:15g
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  • Boil the oat milk and cook the oatmeal in it with salt for 3-4 minutes.
  • Remove it from the heat and stir in 1 ½ tbsp shredded coconut. 
  • Transfer to a serving bowl and add the remaining coconut and flaxseeds.

HealthifyMe Suggestions

An exciting way to eat mangoes for weight loss is to blend them with spinach and other greens to make a nutrient-packed smoothie. Mangoes are already sweet, so you won’t need additional sweeteners, making this smoothie a healthier alternative. In addition, the high fibre content in mangoes will keep you full and satisfied, and the spinach will provide essential vitamins and minerals, making it a perfect weight-loss-friendly breakfast or snack option. Click here for a delicious tangy mango drink that’ll help you beat the summer heat. 

The Final Word

Mangoes contain abundant vitamins and minerals. Conversely, sugars, fat, and carbs are present in relatively small amounts. As a result, mangoes are low in calories, aid in satiety, and can suppress your body’s fat cells—all of which aid in weight loss. To reduce weight, one should avoid a daily mango intake of more than 250 to 300g. One can also consume mangoes as a dessert alternative, a mid-meal snack, pre- or post-workout food, and breakfast. Finally, it is best to consume raw mangoes, in salads, as an addition to oatmeal, frozen as popsicles, etc. Mangoes help enhance immunity, ease constipation, promote iron absorption, reduce inflammation and improve the health of your eyes, skin, muscles, and bones.

Moderation is the key to good health. Consuming anything in excess is detrimental to weight loss. Good nutrition, frequent exercise, and a positive mindset are a few components of a healthy lifestyle. In addition, by taking care of your body and finding pleasure in your efforts, you may improve your physical and mental health. Regarding mangoes, it is vital to eat them right. You can always subscribe to the HealthifyMe app to connect with some of India’s top dieticians and nutritionists for nutrition issues and healthy eating habits from the comfort of your home.

Disclaimer: The purpose of this article is just to disperse knowledge and raise awareness. It does not intend to replace medical advice from professionals. For further information, please contact our certified nutritionists Here.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

Q. Is mango good for weight loss?

A. Although there are contradictory thoughts among experts regarding mango and weight loss, scientific evidence shows that mango may aid weight loss. However, it is only valid if one eats them in moderation and in the right way. Mangoes contain polyphenols, which enhance fat burning, leading to weight loss. Mangoes also assist in the breakdown of food, which improves digestion. Furthermore, vitamins A and C in mangoes enhance immunity. Overall, if paired with a weight loss diet plan in the recommended amount, mangoes can significantly help in weight loss.

Q. How many calories does a mango have?

A. Mangoes contain relatively low amounts of calories. For example, as per USDA data, one hundred grams of mangoes contain 60 calories. In other words,, one whole mango contains approximately 205 calories. However, the exact calorie content in mangoes differs according to their variety and ripening.

Q. Can eating too much mango make you gain weight?

A. Eating anything in excess can lead to harmful effects. Similarly, when consumed in excess, mangoes provide excessive sugar content and carbs, possibly leading to weight gain. Therefore, it is vital to eat them in moderation. Moderate eating can help you maintain your weight loss goals.

Q. Is it safe to eat mango while trying to lose weight?

A. Mangoes are unquestionably healthy to eat when trying to lose weight. However, remember not to overindulge or consume more than one cup of mangoes daily. The fibre content and water in mangoes can keep you full for longer and assist in weight loss. It is also advisable to add mangoes to your weight loss diet only after consulting a certified nutritionist.

Q. What nutrients are in mango that could contribute to weight loss?

A. Mangoes are a powerhouse of nutrients. Despite their high sugar content, mangoes do have nutrients that help enhance weight loss. For example, fibre and high water content in mangoes keep you satiated for a long, leading to fewer calorie intake. Furthermore, mangoes are a great source of vitamins A, C, and K. The low-calorie content in mangoes is also an aid in losing weight. Finally, polyphenols in mangoes help burn fat faster, leading to weight loss. However, it is vital to eat them in moderation to reap maximum benefits.

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Q. Can eating mango as part of a balanced diet help with weight loss?

A. One can include mangoes in a balanced diet. The best practice for preparing a healthy meal plan is to have foods from all groups and consume them in moderation. That makes a balanced diet. You will get the necessary nutrients by including mangoes in your diet and keep moving towards your weight loss objectives.

Q. What is the best way to eat a mango for weight loss?

A. You can include chopped mango cubes in your fruit salad. Having it as a topping to your yoghurt or low-fat curd is an excellent option. Moreover, you can replace other unhealthy desserts with a few mango slices. As mangoes are naturally sweet, they will curb your sugar cravings. However, the best way is to eat them as a whole. That will ensure you do not miss out on mango’s fibre content.

Q. Can mango juice help with weight loss?

A. Mango juice has fewer calories, and it might seem healthy to consume when on a weight-loss journey. However, one should avoid fruit juices when on a weight-loss diet. The process of blending takes away all the fibre content from the fruit, which may not leave the fruit as beneficial as it was. But, if you want to consume mango juice, ensure you only drink cold-pressed juice without added sugar or preservatives.

Q. Are there any potential side effects of eating mango for weight loss?

A. There are no significant side effects of eating mango for weight loss. However, excessive use could result in weight gain and diarrhoea. Mangoes also have a warming impact on the body. Hence, overeating them can result in pimples and acne.

Q. How many mangoes should I eat per day to aid in weight loss?

A. Experts believe you can consume up to 250 grams or one cup of mango daily. However, everybody is different. Hence, it is best to consult a certified nutritionist or a healthcare expert to define the quantity that suits you the best. Moreover, avoid consuming Aamras, shakes and mango desserts. These products will derail your weight loss journey.

Research Sources

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