Does Coffee Help You Lose Weight?


Coffee is one of the most popular drinks worldwide. It is a rich dark beverage with biologically active ingredients like caffeine and a suite of antioxidants.

There are a plethora of coffee choices to suit the different tastes of people. Today, caffeine is present in some weight loss supplements. Hence, people worldwide view coffee as a crucial part of their weight loss strategy.

But if you’re trying to lose weight, not all types of coffee align with your daily calorie intake, particularly the sweet and creamy ones. Moreover, different people respond to caffeine differently. So while there are weight loss-related benefits of coffee, you must be mindful when making room for this energy-boosting drink in your diet.

Is Coffee Helpful for Weight Loss?

Coffee can stimulate metabolism, which can lead to weight loss. In addition, studies have shown that coffee consumption results in greater fat oxidation. However, to make coffee an effective part of your weight loss strategy, should stay under 4-5 cups of coffee in the long run. Furthermore, experts advise at most only 1-2 cups of coffee per day.

In addition, the weight loss results achieved from coffee are only temporary, as your body will develop tolerance to the effects of coffee over time. Therefore, one should only use coffee to supplement a balanced diet and regular exercise for weight loss.

It’s important to remember that all calories matter when trying to lose weight, including those from liquids. Some coffee drinks can have a lot of calories.

For example, a plain cup of brewed coffee only has about 4-5 calories, while coffee with heavy whipping cream can have upwards of 70-100 calories. Therefore, whether or not coffee can help you lose weight depends on what type of coffee you drink. Furthermore, you can save around 60 calories per cup by avoiding sugar and milk.

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Coffee and Weight Loss: The Mechanism

Here’s how coffee can help with weight loss when consumed in moderation:

Natural Stimulant

The active stimulants in coffee, such as caffeine, theobromine, theophylline and chlorogenic acid, help reduce the absorption of carbs in the body and prevent fat accumulation.

Chlorogenic acid, for instance, stimulates the breakdown of fats more efficiently, making you lose weight faster. In addition, a study shows that caffeine in coffee stimulates brown adipose tissue, the body fat that burns calories.

Black Coffee is Low-calorie

If you want to lose weight, black coffee is a good choice because it’s low in calories. A single cup of black coffee has only five calories. However, if you add milk and sugar, the calories and fat content go up, so it’s no longer a low-calorie drink.

Read more: 6 Health Benefits Of Black Coffee

Reduces Appetite

Caffeine reduces the secretion of the hunger hormone ghrelin while increasing the feeling of fullness. Chlorogenic acids in coffee also suppress your appetite, making you want to eat less.

The lighter the roast profile of the coffee, the greater appetite-suppressing properties it will have. Controlling appetite and hunger cravings play a significant role in weight loss. 

Boosts Metabolism

Drinking coffee increases metabolic rate and boosts energy levels. Caffeine, a stimulant in coffee, can increase your basal metabolic rate (BMR), the rate at which you burn calories while resting. 

Read more: 10 Foods that Will Fire up Your Metabolism

Decrease Water Weight

Water weight is one of the primary constituents of the overall body weight of people.  Coffee can help reduce your water weight by enabling frequent urination which will flush out excess water content and fix the ideal weight.

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High Antioxidants

Apart from natural stimulants, coffee also has a rich antioxidant profile. The antioxidants reduce the effect of free radicals, which are responsible for weight gain. Moreover, it also aids in regenerating new cells, optimising the functions of essential organs.

Read more: Antioxidant Rich Foods – Benefits, Types, and Precautions

The HealthifyMe Note

Coffee has multiple benefits that promote weight loss, such as boosting BMR, reducing appetite, and stimulating fat oxidation. However, avoiding add-ons like sugar, syrup, and whipping cream is necessary to prevent caloric surplus. Decaffeinated, black, or unsweetened coffees are low-calorie drinks suitable for a weight loss diet. 

How to Drink Coffee for Weight Loss?

Coffee may also lead to weight gain, especially when you drink too much or add pumps of sweeteners. To receive the maximum health benefits and achieve weight loss through coffee, here are some tips to follow:

Drink Black Coffee

The healthiest way to consume coffee is plain, with no additional sweeteners or flavouring agents. Drinking black coffee will help you lose weight effectively. However, if you wish to make coffee sweet, use low-calorie sweeteners like stevia leaves.

Stick to Plant-based Milk

If you want to add milk to your coffee, opting for almond milk and other unsweetened plant-based milk instead of regular cow’s milk will reduce saturated fats.

Add Spice

Adding spices such as cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and cloves will not only boost the flavour and aroma of your coffee but also aids in weight loss owing to the enhanced antioxidant levels.

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Ideal Time

Drinking smaller coffee servings daily, especially before a workout, will burn more calories. However, sipping before bedtime will make you gain weight since it upsets your sleep schedule and hunger hormones. 


While coffee does have some health benefits, it’s essential to be mindful of how you drink it. For example, coffee can help boost your metabolism or be low in calories, but it cannot directly aid in losing weight.

Therefore, a healthy brew of coffee daily combined with a good diet and regular exercise pattern will be most effective for weight loss and overall health.

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