How Many Almonds to Eat Per Day for Weight Loss?


Almonds are undoubtedly one of the healthiest plant-based proteins available as they offer your body a range of health benefits. They can help you decrease blood pressure, make you feel fuller, are high in fibre, and make an excellent snack.

Also, another reason to consider adding almonds to your diet is that they can help you lose weight. However, adding almonds in an unhealthy diet can result in conflicting outcomes. 

The entirety of the diet is essential when you are trying to lose or manage your weight. However, since almonds are high in calories, it is necessary not to go overboard when including them in your diet. 

So, how many almonds are good for weight loss? What are their added benefits? Find out all about these here! 

The Benefits of Almonds for Weight Loss

Given below are some evidence-based benefits of almonds for weight loss:

Read more: Almonds – Benefits, Nutritional Value & Recipes

1. Almonds Regulates Blood Sugar Levels

A study suggests that adding almonds to a well-balanced diet can help manage blood sugar levels and insulin resistance in people with type 2 diabetes.

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In addition, the beneficial effect of almonds on insulin resistance, insulin sensitivity, or insulin levels can help reduce the risk of weight gain associated with diabetes.

People with type 2 diabetes are also likely to have low magnesium levels. Magnesium deficiency makes it difficult to control blood sugar levels and triggers insulin resistance, which could lead to weight gain.

Although not everyone with low magnesium levels gains weight, studies have found that overweight and obese people benefit from foods rich in magnesium, such as almonds. 

One ounce or 20-23 whole almonds contains 80 mg or about 19-20% of the recommended daily magnesium intake. Therefore, almonds can help improve your magnesium levels and control your blood sugar to reduce the risk of potential weight gain. 

2. Almonds Increase Satiety

The high levels of healthy fats, protein, and fibre in almonds encourage weight loss by increasing satiety. The fibre absorbs water and swells up in the stomach and intestine, promoting the feeling of fullness and curbing your appetite.

At the same time, almonds’ protein and healthy fats also reduce your hunger as they are digested slowly by your body. It rules out the desire to have snacks throughout the day. The less you munch on, the less you will put on weight.

As the prevalence of obesity increases, adding mid-meal snacks that promote satiety is an intelligent dietary strategy for calorie control.

A recent study states that consuming almonds as a mid-morning snack, as opposed to crackers or water, causes a lower hunger drive. This higher satiety of almonds can suppress the desire for high-calorie, high-fat foods.

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3. Almonds Enhances Metabolism

Once you soak the almonds, the peel comes off easily and releases nutrients more efficiently. In addition, soaked almonds release the enzyme lipase, which enhances metabolism and is beneficial for fat digestion. 

The fat-digesting enzyme lipase is only available once the almonds have sprouted. Soaking raw almonds for about 8-12 hours makes them sprout. However, almonds do not grow tails like bean sprouts. Instead, they slightly swell, become softer to chew and easier to digest.

The PHH Note

Almonds are rich in protein, fibre, and healthy unsaturated fats. They work together to make you feel full and prevent overeating, thus lowering your overall calorie intake. However, you must eat a balanced meal and introduce moderate exercise to your regime. When you consume fewer calories than you burn, weight loss is likely to occur.

How Many Almonds to Eat for Weight Loss?

Before you start munching on a bowl of almonds as a snack, keep in mind that you will only reap benefits like weight loss when consuming them as part of a calorie-controlled diet.

Replacing carb-heavy snacks with almonds can promote calorie balance. As a result, it supports healthy weight management. Therefore, what matters most are your eating habits and behaviours.

You must consume a proper portion or healthy serving size of almonds within your daily calorie requirements. However, it can vary from person to person.

One study shows that consuming 1.5 ounces or approximately 30-35g of almonds daily improved lipid profile and reduced central adiposity (belly fat). It is slightly more than the current daily recommendation of a 1-ounce serving. 

Another 24-week trial study says that a low-calorie diet enriched with 84 g/day of almonds effectively decreased body weight among overweight and obese adults. However, it is not always suitable to consume so many almonds.

Clearing the Air….How Many Almonds Can One Eat Daily? 

These findings show that different people may require different serving sizes depending on their needs and other factors. Eating about 30g of almonds daily is an excellent place to start.

Talking to a nutritionist is also recommended to clear out the doubt and understand the individual difference in serving size, that is suitable for your weight loss goal, calorie limit, and other preferences. 

If you have diabetes or pre-diabetes, subscribing to HealthifyPro 2.0 is a smart option as when it comes to weight loss, personalization is the key. As not one key fits all, diets work similarly. 

PRO comes with a Continuous Glucose Monitor, which shows a complete picture of your glucose levels. In addition, the CGM gives real-time insights into how food, physical activity, medication, and other factors impact your glucose levels.

For example, with the HealthifyPro CGM, you can know your blood glucose level trends after eating a handful of almonds. 

If undesirable blood sugar spikes occur, the CGM sends text alerts to your health coach. They will modify your almond serving size according to your blood glucose response with recorded data.

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Ways to Eat Almonds for Weight Loss

There is no best time to eat almonds for weight loss. You can enjoy almonds at any time of the day. However, most nutritionists suggest having almonds as a mid-meal snack, such as a mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack. It helps to control the craving you may experience between breakfast and lunch. 

Here are some best ways to eat almonds for weight loss:

Smoothies or Shakes

If you believe morning is the best time to eat almonds for weight loss, try adding chopped almonds to smoothies and shakes. In addition, adding almond powder can improve the nutritional value of your morning drink.

Whole Almonds

You can eat a handful of raw, soaked, or roasted whole almonds. Keep the almond skin on as it contains fibre and keeps you full for long.

Almond Milk

Plant-based almond milk is an excellent low-calorie alternative to dairy-based milk, especially for vegans and lactose-intolerant people. You can extract almond milk at home by soaking, grinding, and straining raw almonds.

The Healthify PRO TIP

If you are buying commercial versions, check the label to know the amount of added sugar. Or go for unsweetened almond milk. 

Risks of Overconsumption of Almonds

Almond consumption in moderation shows no adverse reactions. However, here are some side effects of eating almonds in excess:

Interfere With Medications

Almonds are high in manganese. Therefore, consuming too many almonds will make your body absorb excessive manganese. As a result, it sabotages the mechanism of the medicines you might be taking. 

Digestive Distress 

As almonds contain fibre in higher amounts, overconsumption causes constipation, stomach ache, bloating, and nausea. These digestive issues may occur immediately after consumption or several hours later. In such cases, try taking probiotics or drinking plenty of water. 

Vitamin E Overdose

Vitamin E overdose by merely eating almonds is highly unlikely. However, eating too many almonds while consuming other vitamin E-rich foods can cause problems. 


Amandine, a protein in almonds, is a common allergen. It can cause swelling of the tongue, mouth, and lips, an itchy mouth, or a scratchy throat. If you have other tree nut allergies, take caution while eating almonds. 


The hunger-fighting protein, super-satisfying fibre, and healthy monounsaturated fats in almonds help create and maintain a calorie deficit.

After all, the key to successful weight loss is consuming fewer calories than your body is burning. Therefore, following the recommended serving size of 1 ounce or about 20-23 whole almonds is best to promote weight loss. 

Some people find it easier to digest soaked almonds, or you can add slivered almonds to your salads and desserts to make them more filling. Remember, everything is beneficial if taken in moderation.

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So if you need help with how many almonds to eat, speak to a nutritionist at PHH. The team can help you find the portion size accurate for your needs. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. Is soaked almonds good for weight loss?

A. Yes, soaked almonds are good for weight loss. Soaking almonds improves nutrient absorption and releases an enzyme called lipase. As a result, it enhances metabolism and breaks down the fats in the food. Eating soaked almonds on an empty stomach maintains a good energy level throughout the day. It also keeps the cravings for unhealthy snacks at bay. Furthermore, soaked almonds are easier to chew and digest than roasted or raw almonds.

Q. Is almond milk good for weight loss?

A. Almond milk has 50% fewer calories than cow’s milk. Therefore, it is an ideal drink for weight loss. In addition, Almond milk is perfect for a vegan diet and lactose-intolerant people. For example, a cup of unsweetened almond milk has only 39-40 calories. On the other hand, skim milk of the same quantity has around 91 calories.

Q. Is almond butter good for weight loss?

A. Two tablespoons of almond butter provides 7 grams of protein, 1.5 grams of fibre, and 16 grams of healthy unsaturated fats. So, almond butter is a nutritious snack or addition to a balanced meal. However, it is also high in calories. Therefore, eating more than two tablespoons of almond butter daily can make it harder to lose weight.

Q. Is coffee with almond milk good for weight loss?

A. Yes, coffee with almond milk is good for weight loss. Also, it contains far fewer calories than regular cow milk. Therefore, replacing your daily milk servings with almond milk helps reduce your overall calorie intake. Also, almond milk is rich in fibre and protein, which are essential for weight loss.

The Supporting Sources

1. Gulati S, Misra A, Pandey RM. Effect of Almond Supplementation on Glycemia and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Asian Indians in North India with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A 24-Week Study. Metab Syndr Relat Disord. 2017;15(2):98-105. doi:10.1089/met.2016.0066

2. Cahill F, Shahidi M, Shea J, et al. High dietary magnesium intake is associated with low insulin resistance in the Newfoundland population. PLoS One. 2013;8(3):e58278. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0058278

3. Hollingworth S, Dalton M, Blundell JE, Finlayson G. Evaluation of the Influence of Raw Almonds on Appetite Control: Satiation, Satiety, Hedonics and Consumer Perceptions. Nutrients. 2019;11(9):2030. Published 2019 Aug 30. doi:10.3390/nu11092030

4. Effects of Daily Almond Consumption on Cardiometabolic Risk and Abdominal Adiposity in Healthy Adults With Elevated LDL‐Cholesterol: Originally published5 Jan 2015

5. Wien MA, Sabaté JM, Iklé DN, Cole SE, Kandeel FR. Almonds vs complex carbohydrates in a weight reduction program [published correction appears in Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2004 Mar;28(3):459]. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2003;27(11):1365-1372. doi:10.1038/sj.ijo.0802411

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