How To Lose 10 Pounds in 1 Month, From People Who’ve Done It


When you’re trying to lose weight, it’s always inspiring to read about success stories and other individuals’ best-kept secrets for shedding unwanted pounds. Especially if you’re just starting out on your weight loss journey, it’s crucial to establish a solid course of attack and make healthier tweaks to your daily routine. Of course, everyone’s body is different, and what works for one person may not work for someone else, but we took to TikTok to learn some tried and true tips from people who lost 10 pounds in one month. In addition, Eat This, Not That! spoke with the experts who shed light on these tips and why they’re effective. So if you want the scale to move in a favorable direction, consider checking out these healthy habits from people who have been there, done that, when it comes to achieving an impressive weight loss goal.

Losing weight is a unique journey for everyone. But through just the right diet and exercise routine, you can accomplish your fitness goals, boost your health and wellness, and discover many good-for-you habits that stick for good. Whether that’s setting a daily step goal or eating out less (or a combination of both), we’re here today with some methods that helped individuals lose 10 pounds in one month. Keep reading to learn all about them, and next up, don’t miss You’ll Never Lose Weight if You’re Still Eating These 11 Things.

healthy whole foods

TikTok user @arianapinto_ shared three things that helped her lose 10 pounds in one month in a weight loss video, the first of which being she consumed more whole foods and fewer processed foods.

The Nutrition Twins®, Tammy Lakatos Shames, RD, CDN, CFT, and Lyssie Lakatos, RD, CDN, CFT, explain this habit is a stellar way to shed unwanted pounds, because you’ll fill yourself up on healthy, wholesome foods that are chock-full of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that provide fuel to your metabolism. “What’s more, they won’t be adulterated with added fats and sugars which pack calories without nutrients. They also won’t contain added salt and preservatives, which contribute to inflammation that makes weight loss harder,” The Nutrition Twins explain. “Plus, those processed foods are manufactured in ways to excite the tastebuds, so you want more and it’s easy to overdo it.”

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Wholesome food items that have fiber help you feel fuller for a longer period of time, so you won’t feel inclined to make unhealthy snacking choices just an hour or two after eating meals.

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mature couple cooking at home

Another tried and true tip from TikToker @arianapinto_? Cooking meals at home! This makes perfect sense, as it’s more of a seamless process to lose weight when you’re the one who’s in charge of the ingredients going into all of your meals.

“When you eat at a restaurant, you may order a dish that sounds healthy, but then it may be prepared with a large amount of butter or olive oil or creamy calorie-rich sauces or dressings,” The Nutrition Twins explain. “Each tablespoon of oil is 120 calories, while butter contains 100 calories in a single tablespoon, so it’s easy for several hundred calories worth of either to be used to prepare a meal. You can also control how much of other heavy items you add—like cheese, sour cream, and butter—as well as how much salt you add to prevent feeling heavy and bloated.”

healthy meal prepped food in containers

Piggybacking off of preparing homemade meals, Ariana explains in the clip, “I was cooking all my meals at home and making sure that my food was prepped for the next day for wherever I was going to be at.”

This can be an extremely helpful weight loss tip if healthy snacks and meals are all set to enjoy when you get hungry because it removes any impulse eating from the situation. “This matters because typically, unhealthy, calorically-dense foods are chosen when hunger strikes. A few too many of these impulse decisions like snacking at vending machines or going to a drive-through restaurant equate to significant weight gain,” The Nutrition Twins say.

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mature woman doing dumbbell overhead press, concept of strength exercises to stay fit in your 50s

If you’re looking to drop weight, strength training is the name of the game. And no—lifting weights won’t make you appear “bulky,” so don’t fear! Another tip from Ariana’s video is to exercise four to five times each week with an emphasis on strength training. The Nutrition Twins dub weight lifting one of the most crucial habits to establish if you want to shed excess fat.

“Building lean muscle tissue speeds up the metabolic rate, helping you to burn more calories, even when you sleep,” they explain. “Muscle burns three times more calories at rest than fat. And although muscle is heavy, it is compact and firm, whereas fat is large and takes up a lot of space. So you can see your body transform by tightening and getting smaller when you lift weights.”

fit woman keeping track of eating habits in food diary, concept of tips to lose weight for good

TikTok user Bre, a keto coach for women (@ketocoachbre), explains in her video she’s been trying to lose weight during the two years following her pregnancy. “In the last month, I have made more progress than I have the entire time, and I want to share exactly what I’ve been doing,” Bre says. “Once I started tracking my food and following one of my own meal plans, I started seeing progress so, so quickly.”

The Nutrition Twins back up the power of food tracking, noting it “works like a charm” and makes you accountable for your choices. “Research has shown that people who record what they eat lose twice as much weight as those that don’t,” they explain. “Our clients often tell us that simply having to write down what they eat makes them reconsider whether they truly want to eat something that may not be the best decision for their waistline.”

woman jumping rope, demonstrating exercise habits to slow muscle aging

Another useful tip from Bre is to establish workouts that worked best for your body. “For the first year being postpartum I did hot Pilates religiously, and it was so tiring on my body. I felt exhausted after every class … and like I didn’t see any results,” Bre explains. Then, she started “strictly” lifting weights, ditched hot Pilates altogether, and saw much progress.

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“It’s important to personalize your workout and choose the exercises that work best for you, your personal fitness level, your likes, and [your] lifestyle,” The Nutrition Twins explain. “If you dislike a particular exercise but force yourself to do it, it’s unlikely you’ll stick to it long term. We hear this often with those who don’t enjoy running—although it may burn more calories than walking, when people who really don’t like it try to make it their exercise, they tend to throw in the towel on working out completely.”

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close-up woman walking sneakers

Lace up your sneakers, and get ready to bump up those steps! According to TikToker and fitness influencer @kate.tries, she lost 10 pounds in one month by going on a daily three-mile walk. The video is captioned, “Walking is really the best and I feel much stronger.” In the clip, @kate.tries wrote, “I made the commitment and then I just did it.”

Walking is healthy for the mind, body, and soul. Plus, it helps break up your day with some time away from your desk. According to The Nutrition Twins, “The average 150-pound person will burn about 300 calories walking three miles a day. So although this equates to under a three-pound weight loss over the course of the month, typically when people start exercising they may adopt other healthy behaviors, like making healthier food choices, even if it’s subconsciously, so they lose even more weight.”

Going for a walk is an excellent low-impact physical activity for individuals who may be intimidated by cardio machines at the gym or simply don’t want to head to the gym!

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