Reach Your Ideal Weight With This Daily No-Equipment Workout


Getting to your ideal weight can be a challenge. Whether you’ve tried diet, exercise, or both, there’s no denying the struggle of trying to shed extra pounds. If you’ve tried spending hours in the gym in the past or endlessly cutting calories without seeing results, don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. If you’re struggling to reach your ideal weight fast, my biggest recommendation is to do daily workouts and eat a high-protein breakfast every morning. If you don’t have a gym membership, don’t worry. This daily no-equipment workout can be performed in your own home without the need to purchase anything.

Adding a daily workout has many benefits for reaching your ideal weight. The calories burned will help maintain a deficit. Resistance training will stimulate muscle growth. Finally, the endorphin boost you get from daily workouts goes a long way toward improving your mental health and overall well-being.

Perform each exercise for 45 seconds, then take a 15-second break and move to the next exercise. Perform three to five rounds of this routine every day. Read on for this no-equipment workout that’ll help you reach your ideal weight fast, and next, don’t miss Drop 10 Pounds Fast With This 10-Minute Daily Workout.

women doing jumping jacks in fitness class

If you lack equipment, jumping jacks are a great starting point for a bodyweight exercise routine to help you lose weight. You can manually increase the intensity of the exercise by speeding your tempo up and being purposeful with each repetition. Do not allow your arms to be limp noodles, and be sure to jump as wide as possible with your feet. A half-baked jumping jack set can be a waste of time; a high-intensity, purposeful exercise session with jumping jacks revs up your fat-burning engine and kicks off an amazing HIIT circuit.

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couple doing planks with shoulder taps during outdoor workout

Core training is a must for any good workout program. Planks with shoulder taps are among my favorite core exercises for several reasons. The isometric strength you build by keeping your body in a plank position helps support and improve your lower back health. Adding the instability that occurs as you tap each hand to the opposite shoulder activates the oblique muscles and other deep core muscles that can get overlooked in traditional ab exercises.

woman does squats exercise outdoors, concept of workout to shrink hanging belly fat

Squats are an amazing lower-body exercise you can perform with zero equipment virtually anywhere. Because squats use the larger muscles in your lower body, they burn a ton of calories and give a metabolic boost after the workout, assuming you use enough intensity during each set.

Begin with your feet wider than shoulder-width distance apart. Sit your hips back and down as you push your knees outward for stability. Lower until your thighs are parallel to the floor, then push through both feet to stand back up. Find a rhythm with the movement, and aim to keep your tempo for the whole interval. If you need extra intensity, perform jump squats.

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man doing pushups at home demonstrating how to reach your ideal weight fast without equipment

Pushups are great for shoulder, chest, core, and arm strengthening. Additionally, when performed as part of a circuit routine, they give a solid metabolic boost to keep your body burning more calories even after you’ve completed the workout. Begin in a plank position, and lower your torso, hips, and chest to the floor as a single unit until your chest is about one inch off the floor. Push through both hands to return to the starting position.

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woman doing lunges split squats

Lunges are another staple lower-body exercise you can perform equipment-free. I recommend alternating lunges for this circuit.

Begin standing with your feet shoulder-width distance apart. Step forward with one foot, and lower yourself toward the ground by bending both knees. As your back knee approaches roughly one inch above the floor, push through your front foot to stand and return to the starting position. On the next repetition, perform the same movement using the other leg, and alternate back and forth for the interval.

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man demonstrating burpees exercise

If there’s one exercise I completely hate doing but love the results, I have to give it to burpees. Burpees are a full-body power movement that includes multiple lower and upper-body explosive components.

Begin this exercise by standing with your feet shoulder-width distance apart. Jump up with a slight countermovement, and explosively raise your arms overhead. As you land, drop down into a plank position. As your feet touch the floor in the plank, quickly hop your feet forward until they are underneath you. Explosively push through both feet, and jump upward, raising your arms overhead. As you land, drop down into the next repetition. Try to find a rhythm with the movement that you can sustain for the full 45 seconds.

Tyler Read

Tyler Read is a personal trainer and has been involved in health and fitness for the past 15 years. Read more about Tyler
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