Taking Control Of Your Well-being: HealthifyMe


Healthy ageing is about sustaining functional ability and well-being as you age. One can achieve it by prioritising physical, social, emotional, and cognitive health. There is a common misconception that healthy ageing means being completely free from illness or weakness. However, effectively managing health conditions can minimise their impact on overall well-being. It is never too early to start considering healthy ageing habits.

Many factors affect healthy ageing. While genetics are beyond your control, maintaining a balanced lifestyle can influence factors such as blood pressure, cholesterol levels, body weight, and type 2 diabetes. Enhancing your well-being as you age requires considering various factors crucial for maintaining overall health and supporting a healthier ageing process. This article will explore factors like the healthy ranges for body weight, blood pressure, cholesterol, and glucose levels, taking into account your age and other essential factors.

What is Healthy Ageing?

The World Health Organization defines healthy ageing as developing and maintaining the ability to function well in older age, ensuring overall well-being. It includes meeting basic needs, learning, staying mobile, maintaining relationships, and contributing to society. WHO emphasises that functional ability in the healthy ageing process is shaped by both a person’s mental and physical capacities (intrinsic capacity) and their surrounding environment (environmental characteristics), such as their home, community, and society.

There are two essential aspects of healthy ageing: diversity and inequity. While older adults may have different levels of mental and physical abilities, some 70-year-olds may be as capable as younger adults. This diversity emphasises the need for tailored care for healthy ageing. Furthermore, inequities influenced by factors such as genetics and environment can impact ageing experiences. Addressing these differences is crucial for promoting healthy ageing.


According to the World Health Organization, healthy ageing means maintaining well-being in old age by staying active and engaged. It involves meeting basic needs, learning, staying mobile, maintaining relationships, and contributing to society. Both mental and physical abilities, as well as environmental factors like home and community, play a role. Diversity is important, as addressing differences, including genetic and environmental factors, is crucial for promoting healthy ageing for everyone.

Healthy Glucose Levels by Age

As you age, keeping your blood sugar levels within a healthy range becomes increasingly essential to prevent age-related health complications, such as type 2 diabetes. Fluctuations in blood sugar levels can trigger glycation, where excess sugar in the bloodstream binds to proteins like collagen and elastin. This process accelerates the ageing of skin tissues, leading to wrinkles, reduced elasticity, and dryness. Therefore, managing blood sugar is crucial for metabolic health and also for preserving skin vitality and overall well-being.

Common causes of blood sugar spikes and fluctuations in adults include poor dietary choices, lack of physical activity, stress, inadequate sleep, and underlying medical conditions like insulin resistance. These factors can lead to increased blood glucose levels. Hence, they indirectly contribute to the risk of developing chronic conditions associated with ageing.

To navigate these challenges, consulting with certified nutritionists, such as those available through HealthifyMe, can provide personalised dietary strategies. Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) systems, like the HealthifyPro, offer real-time insights into how specific foods impact glucose levels, enabling more informed nutritional decisions and effective diabetes management.

It’s time to take control of your diabetic journey and experience a better quality of life. By getting your CGM system today, you can healthify your diabetic journey and achieve your health goals. Whether you’re struggling with high or low blood sugar levels, CGM systems like HealthifyPro can help you understand your body’s response to different foods and activities and take appropriate action to manage your diabetes. Click the link below to get your CGM and Healthify your diabetic journey to a holistic, wholesome and transformative one.

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Monitoring Blood Sugar Levels

Regular monitoring of blood sugar levels is essential to understand how well the body is managing glucose, to detect patterns and trends that may indicate the need for adjustments in diet, exercise, or medication, and to prevent the long-term complications of diabetes. 

A fasting blood sugar test, which measures glucose levels after an eight-hour fast (usually taken in the morning), categorises sugar levels as follows:

  • Normal: 99 mg/dL or lower
  • Prediabetes: 100 to 125 mg/dL
  • Diabetes: 126 mg/dL or higher

Conversely, non-fasting (or random) blood sugar tests measure glucose levels at any time, regardless of meal times, with the following indicators:

  • Normal: 140 mg/dL or lower
  • Prediabetes: 140 to 199 mg/dL
  • Diabetes: 200 mg/dL or higher
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Standard Blood Sugar Values

Blood sugar targets may vary by age, highlighting the importance of individualised health plans. Below is a guideline for typical blood sugar levels based on age groups:

  • 18-50 years: Fasting levels: 70–99 mg/dL; Post-meal levels: 70–140 mg/dL
  • 51-60 years: Fasting levels: 70–105 mg/dL; Post-meal levels: 70–150 mg/dL
  • 61-90 years: Fasting levels: 70–115 mg/dL; Post-meal levels: 70–160 mg/dL

These values serve as a general reference, but personal health conditions and recommendations from healthcare providers should guide individual targets.


Maintaining blood sugar levels is necessary for overall well-being, especially with age, to prevent diabetes complications and age-related issues like wrinkles and dry skin. For individuals aged 18-50, fasting blood sugar levels range from 70 to 99 mg/dL, while post-meal levels range from 70 to 140 mg/dL. For those aged 51-60, fasting levels range from 70 to 105 mg/dL, with post-meal levels ranging from 70 to 150 mg/dL. Lastly, for individuals aged 61-90, fasting blood sugar levels range from 70 to 115 mg/dL, and post-meal levels range from 70 to 160 mg/dL.

Healthy Blood Pressure Levels by Age

Knowing the normal blood pressure ranges for different ages helps spot any unhealthy patterns and potential risks, allowing for preventative measures to maintain heart health. Blood pressure changes naturally with age, especially during adulthood and later years. Understanding these changes can help you take better care of your heart health.

Category Systolic Diastolic
Newborns up to 1 month 60–90 mm Hg  20–60 mm Hg
Infants 87–105 mm Hg 53–66 mm Hg
Toddlers 95–105 mm Hg 53–66 mm Hg
Preschoolers 95–110 mm Hg 56–70 mm Hg
School-aged children 97–112 mm Hg 57–71 mm Hg
Adolescents 112–128 mm Hg 66–80 mm Hg

The average blood pressure by age and gender in adulthood are:

Age Men Women
18-39 years 119/70 mm Hg 110/68 mm Hg
40-59 years 124/77 mm Hg 122/74 mm Hg
60+ years 133/69 mm Hg 139/68 mm Hg

Apart from the averages depicted in the blood pressure chart based on age and gender, adult blood pressure fits into one of five categories:

Category Systolic Diastolic
Normal Less than 120 Less than 80
Elevated 120–129 Less than 80
High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) Stage 1 130–139 80-89
High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) Stage 2 140 or higher 90 or higher
Hypertensive Crisis Higher than 180 Higher than 120

As individuals age, their risk of developing high blood pressure, or hypertension, escalates. This increase is primarily due to the natural ageing process of the blood vessels. Over time, arteries can lose their elasticity, becoming stiffer and less flexible. Such changes in the vascular system cause the heart to work harder to pump blood throughout the body, subsequently elevating blood pressure levels. Persistent high blood pressure is a critical risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, notably heart attacks and strokes. It places undue stress on the heart and arteries, leading to potential damage and increased risk of life-threatening conditions.

HealthifyMe experts stress the importance of integrating heart-healthy habits into a balanced lifestyle, including nutritious meals, regular exercise, and healthy routines. Consulting with a HealthifyMe nutritionist can help you customise the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) plan to align with individual health goals, metabolic indicators, dietary preferences, and lifestyle.


Blood pressure naturally fluctuates with age, especially during adulthood and later years, and understanding these changes supports better heart care. Average adult blood pressure varies by age and gender, with men’s readings ranging from 119/70 mm Hg (18-39 years) to 133/69 mm Hg (60+ years) and women’s readings from 110/68 mm Hg (18-39 years) to 139/68 mm Hg (60+ years). Infants, toddlers, preschoolers, school-aged children, and adolescents have varying normal ranges as well.

Healthy Cholesterol Level by Age

Cholesterol levels often increase with age, as ageing is a process influenced by various physiological changes. In the body, cholesterol is essential for forming cell membranes, certain hormones, and vitamin D. However, the balance between good (HDL) cholesterol and bad (LDL) cholesterol can shift unfavourably over time. This shift is partly due to reduced liver efficiency, changes in hormonal levels, and lifestyle factors like diet and physical activity.

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Men generally exhibit higher cholesterol levels throughout life, primarily because of hormonal differences and lifestyle factors. Testosterone, the predominant male hormone, is linked to lower levels of HDL cholesterol. Women, on the other hand, tend to have higher HDL levels due to oestrogen’s protective effects, which also help maintain lower LDL levels until menopause. Post-menopause, women’s cholesterol levels often rise, narrowing the gap between genders.

The Importance of Regular Cholesterol Checks

Regular cholesterol screening is vital for everyone, including seemingly healthy individuals. For a 45-year-old individual with no apparent health issues, periodic checks every 4–6 years are recommended because cholesterol can accumulate silently, leading to clogged arteries without noticeable symptoms. Early detection allows for timely lifestyle adjustments or treatment to prevent complications like heart disease and stroke.

The table below shows healthy levels of cholesterol in milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl) by age:

Type of cholesterol Anyone Aged 19 or Younger Females Aged 20 or Over Males Aged 20 or Over
Total cholesterol < 170 mg/dl 125–200 mg/dl 125–200 mg/dl
Non-HDL <120 mg/dl <130 mg/dl <130 mg/dl
LDL <100 mg/dl <100 mg/dl <100 mg/dl
HDL >45 mg/dl 50 mg/dl or higher 40 mg/dl or higher

Managing cholesterol can be a complex process that requires personalised guidance. HealthifyMe is an expert in this field, offering tailored nutrition and lifestyle plans to help you keep your cholesterol levels under control. We adapt our strategies to your changing needs and health goals. HealthifyMe’s Cholesterol Management Plan includes professional coaching, flexible workout plans, tailored diet plans, and a smart scale to track all of your metabolic health parameters. This proactive approach is crucial for maintaining cardiovascular health and ensuring long-term well-being.

Check out the HealthifyMe Cholesterol Management Plan


In children and teens, borderline high total cholesterol levels range from 170–199 mg/dl, and borderline high LDL levels range from 100–129 mg/dl. In adults aged 20 and over, borderline high total cholesterol levels range from 200–239 mg/dl, and borderline high LDL levels range from 130–159 mg/dl. Levels above this are considered very high.

Healthy Weight by Age

Determining a healthy weight is not just about age; it also depends on factors like height, sex, pregnancy, health conditions, and more. Everyone is unique, so there’s no single formula for ideal weight. While age can affect weight, there is no fixed “healthy” weight for men or women based on age alone. However, age is an essential factor to consider when it comes to infants and children.

Here is a general method to calculate the ideal weight for children:

  • Infants (< 12 months) = (age in months + 9) / 2
  • 1-5 years = 2 x (age in years + 5)
  • 5-14 years = 4 x age in years.

After 30, body fat tends to increase for both genders due to hormonal changes. Men typically continue gaining weight until around 55, while for women, it continues until about 65. However, at these points, age-related weight gain often stops, and some people may even lose weight. 

The Role of BMI in Adult Weight Assessment

The Body Mass Index (BMI) has been a longstanding tool for evaluating weight in adults. It calculates weight in relation to height, offering a quick measure to categorise weight status.

However, BMI is not a one-size-fits-all indicator; it doesn’t account for muscle mass, bone density, overall body composition, and individual health nuances.

Body Mass Index (BMI) for Adults 

Health professionals have long relied on body mass index (BMI) to assess whether individuals are overweight or underweight. BMI measures a person’s weight relative to their height using a simple calculation: weight (in kilograms) divided by height squared (in metres). According to widely accepted criteria:

  • A BMI of 18.49 or below: Underweight.
  • A BMI between 18.5 and 24.99: Normal weight
  • A BMI between 25 and 29.99: overweight.
  • A BMI of 30 or higher: Obese
  • A BMI of 40 or more: Morbid obesity

Judging a person’s weight solely based on age or gender is not ideal because it overlooks personalised factors crucial for determining a healthy weight range. Moreover, body size alone does not reflect overall health. 

At HealthifyMe, expert nutritionists consider various factors, including lifestyle, health history, activity levels, and body composition (fat, muscle, and water) to provide personalised insights. Based on this in-depth assessment, recommendations are tailored to whether weight loss or gain is necessary for an individual’s age and health status. HealthifyMe acknowledges the diversity of preferences, needs and metabolic responses of people and offers accurate calorie tracking, premium coaching, and personalised assistance. This comprehensive approach fosters sustainable lifestyle changes and empowers users to confidently achieve and maintain their desired weight goals over the long term.

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Determining a healthy weight considers factors beyond age, including height, sex, pregnancy, and health conditions. Each person is unique, so there is no single formula for an ideal weight. While age influences weight, there is not a fixed “healthy” weight based on age alone, except for infants and children. Body fat tends to increase after 30 due to hormonal changes, continuing until around 55 for men and 65 for women, though some may lose weight at these stages. Healthcare professionals use BMI to assess weight status, with categories ranging from underweight to morbid obesity.

HealthifyMe Suggestion

Another major factor to keep in mind is that as you age, your muscle mass tends to reduce. This is a naturally occurring phenomenon but the effects can be reduced by regular exercise and eating a protein-rich diet. Many Indians, as they age, tend to opt out of proteins at meals saying they feel “heavy” or “bloated”. However, it is better to eat fewer carbs and focus a lot more on protein and fibre intake to age healthily.

The Final Word

Maintaining control over key aspects of your well-being is vital for healthy ageing. It includes prioritising physical, social, emotional, and cognitive health throughout life. It is essential to debunk the misconception that healthy ageing means being entirely free from illness or weakness. Instead, effectively managing health conditions can significantly mitigate their impact on overall well-being.

Remember, it is never too early to adopt habits that support healthy ageing. By focusing on factors like blood pressure, cholesterol levels, body weight, and glucose levels and seeking personalised guidance when needed, individuals can enhance their well-being and enjoy a healthy life as they age.

Disclaimer: The purpose of this article is just to disperse knowledge and raise awareness. It does not intend to replace medical advice from professionals. For further information, please contact our certified nutritionists Here.

Research Sources

The World Health Organization’s (WHO) approach to healthy ageing

Blood Cholesterol Screening

A Research Agenda: The Changing Relationship Between Body Weight and Health in Aging

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: How healthy am I for my age?

A: Your health for your age depends on different factors and varies from person to person. It depends on how physically active you are, what you eat, how you handle stress, your sleep schedule, and whether you see a doctor regularly. The frailty index (FI) helps measure how healthy older people are. You answer some questions, and each answer gets a score. When you add up these scores, you get your frailty index score, which shows how healthy you are overall.

Q: Is my weight healthy for my age?

A: If your body weight is more than 20% of what it should ideally be, you are generally considered overweight. To check, use an ideal weight calculator or chart to find your BMI. If your BMI is below 18.5, you are underweight. A BMI between 18.5 and 25.9 is considered healthy or normal weight. If it is between 25 and 29.9, you are overweight. If your BMI exceeds 29.9, you are considered obese.

Q: What is healthy blood pressure by age?

A: Blood pressure naturally fluctuates with age, especially during adulthood and later years, and understanding these changes supports better heart care. Average adult blood pressure varies by age and gender, with men’s readings ranging from 119/70 mm Hg (18-39 years) to 133/69 mm Hg (60+ years) and women’s readings from 110/68 mm Hg (18-39 years) to 139/68 mm Hg (60+ years).

Q: Why is healthy ageing important?

A: Staying active and healthy as you age has many advantages, including improving well-being, recovering faster from illness, and reducing the risk of chronic diseases. Healthy ageing benefits not just individuals but also the economy, communities, and society.

Q: What is a healthy heart rate for my age?

A: The ideal heart rate varies from person to person and is influenced by various factors like age, gender, activity level, stress levels, and medications. For adults, the normal heart rate typically ranges from 60 to 100 beats per minute.

Q: Does healthy weight change with age?

A: As you age, your body weight changes. Men gain weight until about age 55, then start losing it, possibly due to declining testosterone levels. Women usually gain weight until around age 65, then begin to lose it. This weight loss later in life is because fat replaces muscle tissue, and lifestyle habits like a good diet and regular exercise play a role in these changes.

Q: How to keep the brain healthy as you age?

A: Your diet significantly impacts your brain’s health. Include plenty of vegetables, fruits, nuts, beans, and grains while limiting red meat and processed foods. Opt for plant-based meals with moderate dairy, poultry, eggs, and seafood. Also, regular exercise is essential for brain health, as it increases oxygen-rich blood flow and promotes new connections between brain cells, leading to better brain function.

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