Tiny Habits To Improve Your Mental Health


Being healthy mentally requires small daily choices.

Our mental health impacts our feelings, behaviors, and our overall life in general. Improving and maintaining good mental health helps prevent mental illness and is crucial to preserving physical health.

Doing things little by little, showing kindness and patience to ourselves, and not giving up makes all the difference. Your mind is actually waiting for you to take it as your friend, and not your enemy. Once you start seeing your mind with kindness, the whole relationship changes.

Start with small habits. Start one, or start two, or start a few. Try hard, but be kind in the process. Then see how it makes you feel.

  • Creating a structure for your day
  • Set small goals: start setting small goals and making sure you achieve them. If you don’t, try again and again till you do. Setting goals and achieving them is essential for good mental health.
  • Move your body: it boosts your mood and you’ll feel good instantly.
  • Create a morning routine: here is a post about how to “Get the most out of your mornings”
  • Stop complaining: take it as a challenge to not complain. You will see how much we actually complain about the little things. Simply awareness is a great step to start changing that habit.
  • Cutting negativity from your life: people you used to hang out with or people on social media that are toxic.
  • Taking things slow and one day at a time
  • Going for a walk every day in nature
  • Meditating
  • Writing down your feelings: helps you release your emotions and boost your mood. You can read more about journaling here.
  • Being thoughtful about others and yourself
  • Unplug from social media here and there
  • Socialize: the emotional support provided by social interactions gives us a sense of belonging and security.
  • Take a break: a mental health break allows you to step back, relax and refresh your mind.
  • Use positive affirmations
  • Ask for help: last but certainly not least, if you are struggling mentally, it is crucial to seek help. You can reach out to your family, friends, or a mental health professional.
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When it comes to mental health, prevention is the best medicine. Make it your priority, and start implementing these healthy habits today. You can do this!

And remember, that each of us is going through our own battles, so always be kind, you never know what the other person is going through.

What do you do to take care of your mental health? Let me know in the comment section below, I would love to hear from you! ❤

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