What You Should Do When You Feel Burnt Out


First of all, what is burnout?

Burnout is a state of chronic stress that leads to exhaustion, detachment, and lack of accomplishment. Often happens through overwork and affects people mentally, physically, and emotionally.

At one point or another, we all experience this feeling. Sometimes it’s because of our relationships, our jobs, our routines, or any other reasons.

In today’s post, I’m sharing with you a few ways to better cope when you start feeling burnt out. 

Make yourself a priority

People often get burned out when working long hours and taking on more commitments. We tend to take on more and more work and responsibility. In the long term, it can create fatigue, and feelings of being exhausted all the time, and can impact physical and mental health. The next time you feel this way, take a pause and be kinder to yourself. Treat yourself as a priority, always.

Don’t bring work home with you

Create boundaries between work and home life. Set a time to unplug from work so you can relax and spend quality time with your loved ones. If you are struggling with finding your balance, you can read this post. 


Lack of sleep can cause mental fatigue that contributes to feeling burned out. Try to make a commitment to improving your sleep quality. Getting a good night of sleep will help you get more energy and feel more motivated and productive. You can read this post to get tips on how to improve your sleep.


Writing down everything you’re feeling at the moment and what you are grateful for can really help you. Try to do this every morning or night before bed.

See also  Things You Should Stop Taking For Granted

Get out of your comfort zone

Remember that you don’t grow in your comfort zone. Get rid of that job you hate and follow what you’re passionate about, follow your dreams, apply for that dream college, for that new job, transform a space in your home, try something new, and take some steps in a new direction every now and then. I’ve already written a post about how to step out of your comfort zone here

Talk to someone

Sometimes all you need is to get it off your chest. It could be a friend, a family member, a partner, or a therapist. Talk to someone who makes you feel good, and who gives you confidence.

Now I’d love to hear from you. How have you overcome burnout? Let me know in the comments ❤

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