Why LGBTQ Community Is More Vulnerable To Addiction


The LGBTQ community constantly evolves as they find their way into the world. While most individuals focus on accepting their new identity, the same is not true for many. A significant community population struggles with accepting themselves for who they are and is often coerced into sticking to traditional understandings.

The emotional pain, mental agony, and isolation it causes often push a healthy individual to take refuge in substance and alcohol addiction. Certain Los Angeles sober living centers focus on helping individuals from the community reclaim their lives, identify, and find purpose in life. However, it is crucial to understand that the LGBTQ community is often subjected to the harsh judgment of society, rejection from family and peers, and bullying.

Here are more reasons contributing to these instances:

Early Emotional Trauma

Individuals begin to realize they are ‘different’ right from their early childhood years. This feeling is often uncomfortable to process for many, considering most individuals do not understand why they feel ‘alien’ in their bodies and why they are not able to see and express themselves like everyone else.

Parents often realize the discomfort and behavioral changes their kids are going through but do not know how to navigate such sensitive conversations, leading to tensions within the family. As a result, the individual ends up feeling unheard, unwanted, and misunderstood from their growing years.

Stressful Life Situations

Most closeted individuals live in immensely stressful situations, fearing their real identity can come to life at any time and that they will be rejected by society. The fear persists regardless of the individual’s age and location. Most individuals must extensively work towards hiding their true selves to prevent blowing their cover.

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It can be by dressing as per gender norms, not participating in discussions related to relationships, or feeling uncomfortable with physical touches (hugs, for instance). Masking one’s true identity and suppressing emotions eventually leads to an individual experiencing stress, making them vulnerable to using alcohol and other substances to manage their well-being.

Party Lifestyle

Socializing becomes an important part of an individual’s LGBTQ life as a way to network and socialize with like-minded people. Unfortunately, most of these parties are also targets for people with malicious intentions who try to woo an individual by offering support, pretending to understand their worries, and providing a shoulder to cry on.

Over time, vulnerable individuals get exposed to substances and alcohol as a means to fit in and find their voice. As a matter of fact, substances like MDMA, GHB, ketamine, and methamphetamine are extensively present in these parties, enticing new members into consumption easily.

Internalized Homophobia

Homophobia is, unfortunately, a common issue that many members of the LGBTQ community face. Hate and rejection can come from family members, friends, and even relatives. When an individual is constantly subjected to such negative and stressful experiences, they end up internalizing hatred of themselves.

It can include indulging in self-harm, not eating healthy meals on time, or depending on substances or alcohol to punish oneself. Internalized homophobia disables an individual’s ability to look at themselves with love and kindness. Religious beliefs, family and upbringing, influences, media representation, and stereotypes are common reasons behind such internalized disregard for self.

Lack Of Support

Many individuals choose to remain in the closet, fearing discrimination, abuse, or rejection from their families, friends, and society in general. The lack of support and disregard pushes a person to hide their reality while engaging in a community filled with members undergoing similar experiences.

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The use of substances and alcohol eventually ends up becoming a part of the coping mechanism as well as an element for bonding. Situations are complicated if abuse and emotional neglect are involved.


Addiction in the LGBTQ community is, unfortunately, a serious matter of concern for many households. The stigma surrounding both topics often results in individuals not knowing where to seek refuge when feeling lost or needing support and love. However, it is crucial to recognize that help is available, and there’s no shame in reaching out for support when needed.

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